

  1. 本校如在課程開課前關閉,便會立即向學生全數退回課程費用。
  2. 倘若課程未能按照學費收據所載安排開辦,而學生又拒絕接受學校提供的新安排,在學生提出退款要求後,本校會盡快及在任何情況下不超過一個月,向學生全數或按比例退回課程費用。
  3. 倘若課程未能按照課程單張所列日期或時間開辦,而學生又拒絕接受學校提供的新安排,在學生提出退款要求後,本校會盡快及在任何情況下不超過一個月,向學生全數或按比例退回課程費用。
  4. 倘若課程在開課後停辦,本校會盡快及在任何情況下不超過一個月,向學生按比例退回課程費用。
  5. 倘若網上課程已繳學費後未被使用或只使用了百分之十或以下,學生提出退款要求後,向學生全數或按比例退回課程費用。


  1. 本校會主動致電或以書面通知學生有關退款安排。
  2. 本校會按照上述政策向學生退款。
  3. 處理退款時,本校不會取去學費收據的正本。學生或家長收到退款時,需要簽收確認。
  4. 本校會以繳交學費相同的方式/渠道退款。

School Refund Policies and Procedures

Refund Policies:

  1.  In case of school closure prior to the commencement of a course, our school will refund in full the course fee collected to pupils immediately.
  2.  If a course cannot be operated according to the arrangements specified in the fee receipts and pupils decline the revised arrangements offered by our school, our school will refund in full or on a pro-rata basis the course fee collected to pupils as soon as possible and in any event not later than one month after the pupils have requested for the refund.
  3.  If a course cannot be operated on the date or at the time specified in the course leaflet and pupils decline the revised arrangements offered by our school, our school will refund in full or on a pro-rata basis the course fee collected to pupils as soon as possible and in any event not later than one month after the pupils have requested for the refund.
  4.  In case of cessation of a course after its commencement, our school will refund to pupils the course fee collected on a pro-rata basis as soon as possible and in any event not later than one month after the cessation of the course.
  5.  If a online course is purchased but no activities or less than 10% of usage, our school will refund in full or on a pro-rata basis the course fee collected to pupils as soon as possible and in any event not later than one month after the pupils have requested for the refund.

Refund Procedures:

  1. Our school will inform pupils of the refund arrangement either over the telephone or in writing.
  2. Our school will refund pupils in accordance with the above policies.
  3. When processing the refund, our school will not take away the original fee receipts. Upon receipt of the refund, pupils or parents should sign to acknowledge the receipt.
  4. Our school will pay the refund to the payment channel same as the course fee paid.